The Pox
We have been a house of pox over the past month! First, Brenna came out with them (we think we traced it back to kindy…of course!) then 2 weeks later to the day…BAM…Ellie comes out with them. My poor girls Brenna was easy to deal with. She understands not to scratch and can tell me how she’s feeling. Ellie on the other hand was not so easy…the poor girl was miserable! She has enough motor skills to be able to rub her face and eyes (where she had heaps) and her only ability to communicate her unhappiness was through crying/grizzling/grumping. We had lots of cuddles that week!
I am happy to report our house is now all clear and any visits by friends with children who have not had the pox are more than welcome! I don’t think I’ve ever spent so much time at home for so many days running!
Of course, the one week of the year that Ellie contracts a contagious bug was also the same week that we had 3 specialist appointments booked for. Her dermatology check up was due as well as getting her hips x-rayed to (fingers crossed) be given the all clear for her clicky hips and also surgery to have grommets put it…Murphy’s Law anyone???
So grommets are now being done in 2 days, hips in 2 weeks and head in another 4 weeks. Hopefully it wont take me that long until I post in here again. I’ve been slack!! I need a post-it on the fridge to remind me to keep everyone updated…woops!
Until then xo
P.S…check out the magazine stand tomorrow