It’s been so long!
Far out, I didn’t realise it’s been so long since I last wrote on here…how time flies.
Ellie is doing so well. Her head is fully healed, all that can been seen now are bald areas (which thankfully because she is blonde aren’t too noticable) and red/purple scars (she’s like a hyper-coloured t-tshirt…changes colour with the temperature lol)
She’s got her ckeck up x-rays for her hips this month and I’m feeling positive that they’ll be fine.
ANZAC day was a day to remember for more than one reason…Ellie started crawling!!! All I can say is…bloody hell!! It feels my job requirements as a mum has just tripled. Brenna and I had to safe-proof her room on Monday. It took us AGES. 3 year olds certainly collect a lot of junk over time. She had a big biff-out and now all small toys are out of reach for a too keen crawler.
Today, it was Ellie vs the Yucka Tree. Ellie won.
We have discovered that her new skin on her head is very thin as she knocked it slightly on something (I can’t keep up with her escapades) and it’s ‘ripped’ it slightly. She’s a tough cookie though
P.S – next derm appointment: 17th June