Check this out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

February 23rd, 2010

5 Responses to “Check this out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

  1. sara_liste Sara on February 24, 2010 9:13 am

    wow!! It fell off! It looks pretty nice, no bleeding and the skin has got a healthy colour! I’m so happy for you, this is such an important step towards healing! Big hugs

  2. cashs Nanna Gail on February 24, 2010 9:20 pm

    How wonderful, the skin looks so good. You have both done such a great job with her care. Well done …. and she’s 6 mths old last Sunday

  3. leesaspeed Leesa Speed on March 15, 2010 11:50 am

    OH MY GOD – hello. I don’t even know your name (sorry), just saw pics of your beautiful daughter Ellie and HAD to respond. Do you live in Hamilton? My son, Hayden, now 4 was also born with a large area of aplasia cutis to his scalp. My younger son Ryan, who died last year at 4 months (from a heart defect not the AP) also had it!!! We live in papamoa and I have never ever found anyone else with a child with this condition. Tauranga hospital and never encountered it – and not 2 children from the same family with it! Hayden’s scab was much smaller than Ellie’s but he had a large bony defecit underneath making a huge fontenelle. We have been through months of the dressings like you have (twice, first Hayden then Ryan) and I think at about 6 or 7 months it was entirely healed over for Hayden, we still had a way to go with Ryan but it was getting there. Hayden still has a large bald spot (which we don’t even notice but gets lots of stares from strangers) and we’re on the waiting list for surgery this year. If you ever want to get in touch to chat PLEASE get in touch with me. I was just googling private plastic surgens and your blog came up. Am so excited to find someone so close to home (if you are in Hamilton) with a “rare and beautiful” child like ours.

    take care

  4. nellyemma74 Emma Nelson on August 3, 2010 7:57 am

    Firstly was a beautifull little girl you have, I have just returned from the Hospital with my 3 yr old son,he too has the same condition, and we are awaiting an ultrasound scan of his head to check if any underlying problem is there. We were told it was a fungal infection and given antifungal medication, and refered to a skull expert as his skull has an indent where the scarring is, to be told ‘ he would grow into his mishaped head. ‘ The docs today said that he is more prone to the megicocal (meningitis ) virus, and convulsions , but luckily we have not encountered either of these, . I am hoping that the scan comes back clear . I would like to say a big thankyou for writing your blog, as after reading different stories on the internet, I feel much better after reading your blog and comments xx Emma

  5. kmharrington10 Kristin Harrington on November 15, 2011 3:35 pm

    Anna, I just came across your website after googling the condition which our 5 week old daughter has…I’d love to ask you some questions if you could send me your email..

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