It’s been a while…
It feels like ages since I last wrote on here. We went to the derm appointment (paed was a no-show). The derm was happy with her progress, he did say it’s slow but it’s looking good. I’ve take a 6 month piccie today for the latest scab update. Here it is…
As the paed was a no-show we had to wait for the hospital to phone us with another appointment time at the children’s outpatient clinic. We got in within the week! (what a miracle, lol). The paed was fantastic. He’s happy with her fontanelle, he agrees that it’s large but he felt all the plates on her head and the seams where they join and they felt symmetrical. All we have to do for the next 4-6 months is take monthly growth stats on her head. They’ve given us a form to fill out. It is grows at a steady rate then we don’t have to go back…if it grows too fast then they want to see us again. I’m confident that it’ll all be fine.
He wants her to have a kidney scan to check for size/placement of the kidneys. That’s happening on Fri 26th at 9am just down the road at Rototuna. Again, I’m feeling positive about things.
Since being on the anti-b’s, Ellie is a changed girl…back to her happy self and drinking her bottles pretty good. She’s even got stuck into the solids!! She’s certainly not fading away lol
Here’s a pic of her eating her dinner tonight. Take a guess at who was feeding her…me or J
P.S…tomorrow she’s officially 6 months old!!! What a crazy 6 months it’s been…wonder what the next 6 months will bring??? I’m hoping for…nothing!
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I’m happy everything was ok with her fontanelle! How are you going to take growth stats? I mean, what “parameters” do you have to take into account? That would be interesting for me to know… By looking at this picture, I can see the scab IS a bit smaller, so hold on! I also see small yellowish scales above the scab, is that cradle cap? Did the derm tell you something about it. Unfortunately, we had to use the cap once again
yesterday Ari scratched himself, tearing away one of the small scabs… Hugs
my dearest wishes for her 6 months! It looks like she enjoys her food A LOT!!
yes that’s cradle cap…the derm gave us a script for some anti-yeast cream so I’ll give that a go. Stink about needing to use the cap again. I really hope the skin starts to thicken soon xo
Yip, she LOVES her food
You write so beautifully, Anna. Thank you so much. (I am Brenna Craven’s Mum)
I just wanted to say how lovely it is to see a pic of Ellie’s front! She’s gorgeous. Wow! hasn’t she grown, and I can see a lot of cash in her. (big smile)
Thanks Amanda
A lot of family have said they can see the Cash side too