Upcoming Appointment

February 7th, 2010

This coming Thursday is our next appointment at the hospital and there’s a lot of stuff to ask the pro’s!! 

We’re meeting with our regular dermatologist who will check the progress on the scab…this seems to have come to a standstill lately.  It’s not really getting any smaller, just thicker.  J likes to refer to it as reptile skin, lol.  Our poor girl will have some interesting stories at her 21st!!!!

There’s also going to be a paed at this appointment.  Ellie’s fontanelle is quite large so we need to check that it’s just that…a large fontanelle, or if there is a bone development problem (we’ve discovered that this can happen with Aplasia Cutis).

Of course, the fun doesn’t end there… Ellie may have urinary reflux…Yes I know you’re thinking What the hell is that??? (Mum’s probably thinking I should have been more polite and written What the heck is that?? – sorry mum!)  I had no idea either until a few days ago…  in basic terms, the wee goes backwards from the bladder back up the tube into the kidney.  Here’s the website I came across: http://www.kidneykids.org.nz/?t=7

Ellie had been unwell and off her feeding so I thought it must be related to her reflux.  My GP ran poo and wee samples and the wee came back with a bug in it.  She said that this can be common in babies with reflux and that they usually grow out of it.  So I left that appoinment thinking it was no big deal…give her the anit-biotics then another wee test 48 hours after that to check that the bug has gone.  But good old me (who needs to find out all the info) decided to ask the resident paed nurse (now officially a family member) about what urinary reflux was.  She gave me info, so then I went and Googled it (Google is not my friend at times).  It sounds like if this is suspected then a scan is done to check on kidney size/placement and possible tube damage.  I’m back to the GP on Tue again for her to check Ellie so I’ll pick her brain then but it’s also another good thing that it’s timed well with seeing a paed on Thursday.  I’m thinking that surely this wont be a big deal and that this bug is just a one off, but I’d rather know what we’re dealing with than ignoring the possibilities in the hope they don’t exist.

So yip, that’s us…always something medical to be learnt in this household.  Yee haa!!! (yeah right)

(We’re still smiling though.  Ellie is a smiley-holic so she keeps us laughing)

2 Responses to “Upcoming Appointment”

  1. sara_liste Sara on February 8, 2010 7:29 am

    Good luck for your very busy appointment! We’re seeing our dermatologist next Friday. Let’s keep up to date! Sara

  2. tsduvall Shannon on February 20, 2010 1:29 pm

    I hope it all went well and that she’s feeling better by now.

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