Another shock
I thought it was about time to add to our story with other ‘stuff’ that we’ve been through with Ellie. As with the photo on the other page, obviously she was born via c/s. All c/s babies have a ‘routine’ scan of their hips to double check for…um…I can’t remember what it’s called ATM (will update later when brain is working)…for know, I’ll call it ‘clicky hips’.
Anyway, after Ellie was born we received the referral letter and I forgot about it until my GP reminded me the day before (at one of the many trips to see her for the regular head check). As my midwife and plunket nurse had both manually checked her hips and said they were fine I went up to the hospital (again) by myself expecting a very quick visit and leave as normal…. why was I so naive???? Life’s not that simple for us lately!!!!
To cut a long story short, we left with me in tears (much to the horror of the registrar who fit her with The Harness) and Ellie looking like a frog in a fetching blue pavlik harness. 6 weeks we were told. Then time for another scan. Ellie was only 5 weeks old and dealing with her head (keeping it clean and bandaged) was still such a major issue for us and then to have the hassle of a blardy harness was just the straw that broke the camels back (or my sanity…which ever you prefer, lol).
I’ve never seen so much velcro on one item in my life!!!!!! There were straps everywhere and they all acted like a magnet to Ellie’s bandages. Let’s such say there was more than one occasion where I could have thrown that thing in the rubbish.
We were allowed to take it off every second day to bath her then it was straight back on. Thankfully at that stage she wasn’t a spilly baby because she was always in the same clothes for 48 hours. Lets just say she would have never won a prize for clothing style. She wore about 3 things which we just rotated. There aren’t many clothes out there that you can put on without them going over the head then also being able to change a nappy with a harness on!!

So after the 6 long weeks, we went back for her next scan. Thankfully she was given the all clear. In a few more months we need to take her back for an x-ray to double check that things are still looking good
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Hey there i was jus googling clicky hips and ddh and seen this gosh uve been thru alot im from the waikato and also had a girl in a pavlic then a spica cast then a brace if ur interested and hav a facebook acc one other lady has made a NZ page for ppl that hav had a hip babys ur more than welcome to come join us!/pages/Spica-Mums-Bubs-NZ/363627448675?ref=nf
if that doesnt work then just search Spica Mums & Bubs
hope to see u there