Conversation with a 6 year old…
We went out for a BBQ last night and I ended up in a very funny conversation with (a very smart) 6 year old and it got me thinking…
I’ll tell the story of the conversation first, then let you know what it got me thinking about.
Miss 6: What’s that on her head? (Obviously ‘her’ is Ellie)
Me: A scab (This answer was enough for an inquisitive 3 year old at Brenna’s kindy so I thought it would cut the mustard in this situation as well)
Miss 6: What’s it from? Did she bang her head?
Me: She was born with it…it’ll get better soon (surely that’s got to keep her happy????)
Miss 6: Why was she born with it??
Me: (Thinking, Oh well, she asked…) I went into a very long winded explanation of the entire story. She was thrilled to be given such a long answer.
Miss 6: Was I born with that?
Me: No
Miss 6: How do you know that???
Me: You don’t have massive bald patches on your head
This answer gave her much pleasure…we laughed for a long time and it felt good. I never knew I’d be able to see the funny side to our situation so easily and the fact that this conversation with a 6 year old brought me such happiness it then got me thinking…….
Children’s honesty is amazing.
I love the way they ask straight up about Ellie’s head. We are so used to seeing it that I kind of forget when I’m out somewhere new what it must look like. However, I’m never left for long until someone quite obviously reminds me with their ‘trying to look without looking’ looks. Sometimes I wish I had a sign up….no I have not dropped my baby or whacked her over the head with some hideous object….she just has Aplasia Cutis. Then the fine print would then answer all their Q’s:
- Yes she was born with it
- No the doctors don’t know what caused it
- No it wasn’t picked up on during a scan
- No she wont grow hair
- Yes the scab will heal
- Yes she will eventually have hair one day once the plastic surgeons insert a saline balloon blah, blah…you get the drift
These reactions from adults have also made me think, How would I react if I saw a baby like Ellie? Honestly?? I’d really want to know what ‘it’ was, but I’d never ask cause that would be rude. So, essentially I’d probably be just like all the people out there that ‘look without looking’ at Ellie. Isn’t it funny that kids just say what’s on their mind, whereas adults try and be polite and not pry because they think it’s the done thing whereas in many situations if they just asked, it would stop a lot of wondering and speculation.
So after all of this, what would I wish people would do???
Just ask.