Hello world!
Well, where to start??? My youngest daughter turned 4 months on the 21st December and I finally feel ready to tell the world what’s happening in our lives. Ellie was born with Aplasia Cutis. I’ll soon update you with more info about it etc but for now I just want to get started with this blog. Monday was the first time I’ve ever googled the condition and I couldn’t find many ‘real’ people telling their stories (just alot of doctor stuff), so I hope that someone who is going through this will come across my blog and find something to relate to and try and find the funny side in our shared situation to make it easier to accept.
I’ve been told that others have it so much worse (which is true) and this is the way I’ve tried to look at our situation, but both J and I feel that it’s OK to say that even though it could be worse, that what’s happened to our beautiful girl is still so hard for us (and in the future – her).
When Ellie was born I kept a diary while she was is NICU. I think the easiet way for me to tell you our story is to start with that first diary entry. It’s a long one, so keep checking in to see it being updated….
test Filed under At the start | Comments (11)11 Responses to “Hello world!”
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Hi Anna,
i think it is great that you are sharing your experiences. Very brave but valuable if you can create a network of shared experiences. I didn’t catch up last holidays but would like to in the new year. Take care and i look forward to reading future instalments.
Daryl, Rikki and Sophie.
Thanks Daryl… would love to catch up and meet your beautiful girl
I wish you the best of luck on your journey.
What a wonderful blog, it’s a big effort for you! Ellie is a beautiful, happy little girl and a credit to you both. She was very lucky to be born to such loving, caring strong parents
Hi Anna,
I felt very privilaged to have read your story about your wee darling Ellie, and feel as if I have shared a part of her life.
Best of luck for 2010 Anna,Ellie, and family.
Karen (T’s Mum]
Thanks so much! T is so lucky to have you and the wonderful support you’ve been giving her. It’s so nice to know that you’ve read my story. Thanks for making the time
Aww…sniff, sniff. Straight back at ya T!!
Hey Anna what an amazing person you are to be able to share with us all your private family life, Karlie does keep us informed but good to see you and baby Ellie and to know life does go on and get better each day. love Helen
Thanks Helen. I’m finding it really theraputic keeping this blog and it’s nice to keep everyone updated with how things are. When I’m up next and Karlie is around I’ll bring the girls over for a visit
Hi Anna! Wow what a journey you have experienced! Thank you for posting about your time with Ellie and you personally. As if having a baby isn’t hard (but enjoyable too) enough as it is without the pnd etc etc getting in the way! As you know our little girl was born a week or so prior to Ellie. I too have suffered with PND, however your story puts things into perspective for me and for that I thank you. I think everyone has their burdens but the degree is varying. My little girl has reflux and is really windy which has been a long road with lots of different advice, tears, depression, anxiety attacks etc etc you know the rest. All I can say that its crazy that we go through this and we all feel the same way in that the hole keeps getting darker and darker until we get ourselves sorted with the situation, however for some of us we cannot control the chemical inbalance and so thank goodness for happy pills! I tried to do it naturally but I think that stressed me more! ARGH! HOWEVER, LIFE DOES GET BETTER! But at the time it just doesn’t feel like it will and how will the viscious cycle end huh! But it does for me and it has for you in terms of ourselves personally and to anyone reading this and struggling – don’t delay – it doesn’t have to be difficult!
Anna, I would love to catch up with you sometime! Ellie and Arna could hang out while we catch up for a coffee and laugh about old times!
You’ve put if perfectly Katrina
Thank you for being so honest about your situation as well. It is hard to tell others, but knowing that support and understanding is there is such a relief. A catch up is a must. The girls will love it (well, they wont have a choice lol) and lets make the most of a relaxing coffee before they start to crawl!!